The HOSTEL has this “INTERNAL REGIME REGULATION” that contains the policy, norms and rules that will govern the relationship between the hostel and its clients.

This Regulation will also be applicable and mandatory for:

  • Visitors and/or occasional companions of the hostel’s clients.
  • Users of the hostel services open to the general public.
  • Any person who, even occasionally, visits or wanders inside the hostel.

The regulations will apply in all spaces and areas of the establishment, whether for exclusive or common use, without any distinction.

This Regulation is available to clients at the reception of the hostel and can be consulted by them whenever they wish and on the website

Ignorance of this Regulation does not exempt you from compliance since said Regulation is based on current standards and legislation.

The Regulation will have uninterrupted and continuous validity until it is modified or replaced by another. In case of doubt, it will be considered fully subsistent in all its norms and rules.

The rules and prohibitions contained in this Regulation and that its recipients must comply with, should not be understood to exclude other analogous or similar conduct not stated in it, but that clearly arise from the spirit and intention of this Regulation.

Contraventions of this Regulation, to the extent possible, may be corrected immediately, and, where appropriate, may be sanctioned in accordance with current labor, civil or criminal regulations, regardless of other responsibilities in which it may arise. incurred by the offender and the timely exercise of the legal actions that may arise.

The hostel reserves the right to admit and cancel the reservation, without the right to refund, of any client who contravenes these Regulations, as well as the rules of coexistence and common sense, or in any way acts irresponsibly with the hostel facilities. or the rest of the people who are there, whether staff or clients of the hostel.

We appreciate your preference to stay with us, as well as your preference to strictly observe our Regulations, developed for your own benefit.

In any case, if you need additional information, do not hesitate to contact Reception. For these purposes, we recommend that the director of the hostel, together with the reception staff, are responsible or centers for relations with the inmates of the accommodation and for their information and advice.

Applicable legislation

The Internal Regime Regulations are governed by Spanish law.


This regulation is available in several languages, but only the text in the Spanish-Castilian language is the only legally binding text, and it is the one that will prevail in the event of any difference in interpretation or of any other nature.



At the reception, the necessary procedures for registration and admission will be carried out and the magnetic cards will be kept to access the accommodation.

Check-in will take place from 3 pm to 10:00 pm on the day of the client’s arrival, check-out until 12:00 pm on the day of departure.

In the event that for personal reasons the guest has to check-in after 10:00 p.m., they must notify 24 hours in advance of their arrival.

The hostel will refrain from providing accommodation to minors who come alone, so room reservations or stays in them by minors are not permitted.

However, minors between 16 and 18 years of age may be authorized in writing by their father, mother or guardian to stay at the hostel as long as they are responsible for it and assume payment of the bill. that proceeds. In the case of minors under 16 years of age, it will also be mandatory to always be accompanied by a father, mother or guardian.


The person or persons who wish to use the accommodation units, the common facilities and, where applicable, the complementary services offered at the hostel, must present their identification documents for the purpose of registration and registration in the hostel. Establishment traveler registration book.

When the guests are a previously contracted group (reservations of 10 or more rooms are considered group reservations), their representative will deliver the list along with the identification
documents of the group members.

Passport, DNI and driving license are considered valid identification in Spain. If you are a foreigner, you can register by presenting a Passport or Identity Document if you come from an EU country or from any of the following countries:

  • Andorra, Iceland, Switzerland, Norway, Malta, Monaco or San Marino.

You can also register with a valid Spanish Residence Permit if you are a foreigner residing in Spain.

This rule is mandatory based on the Order of the Ministry of the Interior of the Government of Spain 1922/2003 of July 3, which establishes the registration in Books and Parts of entry of Travelers in hospitality establishments, the Royal Decree of the Law Organic 171992, of February 21, on the protection of citizen security.

To comply with it, every guest, both individual and group, must have an individual registration sheet.

The registration form must be signed personally by all travelers over 14 years of age.

The accommodation is non-transferable, so the hostel will deny accommodation to the guest who does not comply with this registration requirement and is authorized to demand, if it deems appropriate, the identification of the applicant and the people accompanying him or her in the accommodation. Likewise, entry into the hostel of any person not registered in the Police Registry is prohibited, unless expressly decided by the Management.

The hostel administration is not responsible for any false or incomplete information that the guest may provide when filling out the registration card, whose data must be covered by the user in its entirety or by the hostel based on the data. that appear in the identification documents provided for such purposes by the client.

Compliance with current regulations, the identification data provided, will be communicated to the Authorities by the hostel.


This establishment, once the person or persons have registered, will formulate an admission document that will include the name of the client who formalizes the admission (one person is enough), the commercial name of the establishment, its tourist classification, the identification of the assigned accommodation, price per day or day, the type and price of complementary services contracted and the entry and exit dates.

Users must prove their condition by showing the admission document, when required.

The admission form serves to prove the tourist accommodation contract and will have proof value for administrative purposes, and must be signed by the interested party to formalize their admission. The original signed document will remain in the possession of the establishment, which will keep it for the time legally established at the disposal of the tourist inspection, delivering a copy to the guest who signs it.

By signing the document, the client confirms that all the data provided and contained therein is true and accepts the terms and conditions expressed in the document.

Likewise, by signing the admission document, it will be assumed that the client expressly accepts this Regulation, its rights and obligations and will be obliged to observe the rules contained therein and those dictated by the Management on safety, coexistence and hygiene for proper use of the establishment, its facilities and the hostel’s equipment.


Users will be able to freely access the establishment and remain there, with the limitations contained in the legislation and in this Regulation.

Users have the right to receive truthful, complete information prior to contracting the services offered.

Likewise, they have the right to have their security, privacy, and tranquility guaranteed in these services for a stay without disturbances, to have them correspond to the agreed conditions, to be given an invoice with the regulatory formalities for the contracted services. directly to the hostel, to the confidentiality in the processing of their information in accordance with the data protection regulations since, if they wish to make a complaint, claim or complaint, they will be given the complaint forms established by the Competent Authorities of the corresponding Autonomous Community, which can be completed by the client and delivered to the hostel reception.

The presentation of any claim or complaint does not exempt from compliance with this Regulation and payment for services.

The accommodation is not responsible for the price, nor for the use of tools, fixtures and other services, provided outside the premises of the hotel establishment, nor for the behavior of staff outside the hotel, unless expressly stated in its conditions and rates.

The rates with the prices and conditions of the different types of accommodation and the services offered by the hostel itself are detailed at reception and available to users who request them.

Services of the establishment or accommodation units cannot be reserved against the stipulated price.

The complementary services that are offered and provided in this establishment by other people or entities, the details of their scheduled hours, their prices and the conditions of use, are also detailed at reception, will be formalized in their corresponding documents and will be settled according to to the agreed conditions.

Legal or natural persons who, on their own, provide complementary services in the hostel facilities are responsible for their staff and their behavior, their operation, maintenance, pricing regime and everything inherent to their own services. In each of the dependencies the owner of the same is clearly identified.

You will find summary information on all services in the directories, which include information on the evacuation plan for emergency cases, accommodation prices and a list of services that are free, such as Wi-Fi.

In any case, the hostel can offer its clients, at no additional cost, extra services such as tourist information, luggage storage and taxi service.

Likewise, the hostel may be responsible for the management of certain services unrelated to it, such as vehicle rental, excursions, restaurants or other services related to the stay.

The hostel may vary the hours of the different consumption, use and enjoyment services, throughout the seasons, depending on seasonality, reserving the right not to admit users outside said hours, also when the maximum authorized capacity is exceeded. or when they are requested within the admission limits, thereby harming the work schedule of said services.

The possible Management of messages, calls, packages or any object destined for a client of the hostel will begin whenever the client’s prior consent to proceed with said management is verified, in this case proceeding to its communication or delivery.

In the event that the client is not in the establishment, or will not be located, the staff will ensure that they receive the message or package when they return, verifying it with the client.

The rooms or common spaces of the hostel may not be used for uses other than accommodation and/or contracted services, neither by the client or their companions, nor by third parties. Consequently, these rooms and/or common spaces may not be used for activities such as conducting interviews, filming, taking images for promotional activities, photo sessions, etc., unless expressly authorized by the Management of the establishment and always complying with the rest of the Internal Regime Regulation, the conditions established by said Directorate and the regulations that apply to the activity in question.


The billing of accommodation rates will be calculated by days and according to the number of overnight stays.

The minimum billing for accommodation will be the amount of one overnight stay or day, this being understood to end at 12:00 p.m. on the day following the arrival date.

The payment methods accepted by the hostel are:

  • Cash, Debit Cards (Maestro) and Credit Cards (Master Card, Visa, Amex, American Express).
  • Personal checks are not accepted.

When you intend to pay in cash, it must be done in Euros. The payment may not exceed the amount of 1,000 euros and, given that the rights must be exercised in accordance with the requirements of good faith, the tickets must be used in accordance with the amount to be paid, so the hostel may refuse to accept the payment. acceptance of high denomination bills if the amount to be paid is much lower.

Payments via more than 50 pieces of euro currency will also not be accepted.

Users have the obligation to pay the amount of the contracted services at the time of presentation of the invoice or according to the agreed conditions.

The establishment may require its clients, at any time and upon presentation of the invoice and its supporting documents, to pay for services provided outside the accommodation, even if payment had been agreed in advance.

The early departure of the client before the end of the contracted stay will not exempt said client from paying all of the reserved days and contracted services.

If the client intends to leave the establishment, leaving his or her bill unpaid, in whole or in part, the hostel will be entitled to request assistance from the authorities’ agents.


The hostel may request a prior guarantee of payment by credit card for the contracted services, in accordance with applicable legislation both for the entire reservation including taxes and tourist tax that may be applicable, as well as for extras.

Said guarantee may request that it be extended for damages or defects that occur in the facilities, furniture and elements of the establishment due to negligence or misuse of them.

For these purposes, the hostel may ask the client upon arrival, or at the time of making their reservation, for a credit card number where, in case of non-payment of the invoice, the amount can be charged.

This request may be made even in the case of accommodation with a voucher or prepaid, to guarantee the payment of extra services that could be consumed, as well as to respond for damages and defects.

The hostel reserves the right, in the event of any type of damage, deterioration or theft caused to the room or any other facility of the hostel by the client, to use the damage deposit and/or claim the corresponding compensation from it.

The hostel may also make a charge or pre-authorization for the amount of the first night contracted on the card number indicated by the client, even days before the client’s arrival, and in order to verify its validity.

If a card is not provided, prepayment of the stay and a security deposit of 500 euros will be required, as well as direct payment for the extra services requested.


The hostel rooms must be used based on the number of nights reserved.

Occupancy of the accommodation unit begins at 3:00 p.m. noon on the first day of the contracted period and ends at 12:00 p.m. noon on the day designated as the departure date.

However, on peak occupancy dates, when there are more arrivals and departures, it is possible that not all rooms will be available at that time due to availability and cleaning time reasons, so it may be delayed up to four hours to make the accommodation unit available to the user. The availability may also be delayed in the event of exceptional circumstances that prevent, for reasons beyond the control of the hostel, having the room that corresponds to each client at the time set for the beginning of occupancy in accordance with normal occupancy rules.

We ask that the client communicate his arrival time and his travel plan to have a forecast from the hostel and must also take into account that if he does not show up at the hostel before 10:00 p.m. (local time of the hostel) on scheduled day of arrival, without prior communication from the client, the hostel will consider the reservation as a “no show” and will be fully canceled automatically, charging 100% or the amount pending payment of the reservation. However, the reservation will be maintained as long as the client has communicated it before the mentioned time.

In the case of groups of 20 or more people, the establishment can set the departure time to be from 10 in the morning.

For possible changes, both for occupancy and for extension of the indicated time, consult the reception, taking into account that the hostel staff must be informed immediately, in the event that you wish to extend your stay and always before 12:00 p.m. the date of departure.

The hostel will respond to your request as long as availability allows it, duly informing the client who has requested it and in case of agreement between the parties, a different regime of occupancy of the accommodation units may be agreed upon, which must be reflected in the admission document.

The extension of the occupation for a period longer than that described, without prior agreement, will cause the obligation to pay one more day. Without prejudice to the foregoing, the client will not be able to extend, without agreement with the hostel, the contracted days of stay, due to the serious damage that this may cause to other clients with a reservation, and the hostel staff may request the help of the agents of the authority to evict clients who fail to comply with the above.

In the event that the client leaves the room on the day of departure, before the established Check-Out time, no refund of the total amount of the stay will be made. If the client reduces the number of guests in the reservation in whole or in part, it is the hostel’s decision whether or not to apply refunds, although in the event that the room is marked as non-refundable or similar, a charge of the entire amount will be made. reservation amount.

When guests are absent for more than seventy-two hours without prior notice, the hostel may suspend or terminate the lodging contract, as the case may be, and proceed to collect the luggage.

Collection will be made as provided in article 18 of these Regulations, except in the event that the actual value of the guest’s luggage does not guarantee the amount of the bill. In this circumstance, the accommodation may be terminated or suspended with the guest’s absence for more than twenty-four hours.

In the event of the death of the person occupying a room, their heirs or representatives will be responsible for paying the expenses incurred as a result of the death, including if necessary the redecoration and disinfection of the room and the replacement of linen and equipment.


As a general rule, people will not be allowed to stay in a room that exceeds the contracted capacity in quantity. Thus, two people will not be allowed to stay in a double room that has been booked as a single. Likewise, no more than two people will be allowed to stay in a double room or suite, nor more than three in a room contracted as a triple.

For security reasons, occupancy of more than four people per room is not permitted, or, where applicable, the maximum number possible depending on the room format and type of reservation.

Otherwise, the hostel will have the right to charge the rate set for the actual number of people using the room and, at the same time, to terminate the client’s stay immediately.

Guests staying with babies from 0 to 2 years old may request, subject to availability, a crib at no additional cost. The maximum number of cots in the room is one. Crib beds are available upon request and must be confirmed by the property.

A child over 2 years old or an adult can stay in an extra bed. The installation of an additional or extra bed will have an additional cost and will only be possible in double rooms and always at the request of the user.

If it has not been requested in advance, the hostel reserves the right to request that an extra reservation be made in the event that the establishment does not have the requested extra bed. This additional bed can only be occupied by one person, with one being the maximum number
of extra beds in the room.

No person has the right to provide accommodation to another without the prior consent of the hostel and if this is agreed to, the corresponding registration movements and registration in the travelers’ book must be carried out.


The hostel reserves the right to admit occasional visitors and in no case will they be allowed access to the rooms. If the user wishes to receive visitors, the hostel has spaces for this. In case of non compliance, the hostel management reserves the right to order the immediate departure of the visitor.



The hostel offers the services and benefits according to its category. Whatever these are at any given time, it is specified on the official Patios del Orfebre website, which also indicates that special requests will be accepted.

The price of the accommodation unit will include supplies of water, electricity, heating, cooling, use of bed and bath linen and cleaning of the accommodation.

Some of the services have an additional cost, and in this case it is prohibited to use them or receive their benefits if they have not been previously contracted, and must be paid previously or after being used, as agreed.

The people who represent the hostel company or provide the services inherent to the accommodation will have, for these purposes, free access to the rooms occupied by the clients.

This establishment, in the provision of its services, will comply with the requirements established by Civil Liability contemplated in the hostel’s insurance, being exonerated from any liability in the event of personal accidents due to negligence or recklessness of the guests or their companions.

In the case of technical deficiencies beyond the control of the hostel, it undertakes to manage their solution causing the least inconvenience for the client.

The furniture and utensils in the rooms, as well as the rest of the rooms, are part of the services provided and have been arranged with the intention of making the clients’ stay as pleasant as possible, so appropriate and respectful use is requested. with them.

In any case, they are the property of the establishment, so, in the event of loss, theft or unjustified deterioration of them, the establishment reserves the right to demand the corresponding payment.

Without prejudice to the right of admission, guests of the hostel may, in general, access the services and equipment offered by the establishment, unless access limitations are established which will be fully justified and in no case will be contrary to the rights and constitutional principles.


Room cleaning is carried out daily. Room cleaning hours are generally from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Customers who do not make their rooms available during those hours will not be able to have their room cleaned.

If you want your room tidied up, hang the “please tidy up your room” sign outside your room door. If you wish not to be disturbed, hang the “please do not disturb” notice outside your room door. When the notice exceeds 48 uninterrupted hours, the maximum tolerance limit allowed by the hostel, a telephone call will be made to the room.

If no response is obtained, the room will be entered to clean it and confirm its perfect condition.

If a response is obtained from the client during the telephone call or at the entrance, an apology will be requested and the time at which the cleaning can be carried out will be confirmed with the client, which cannot be delayed beyond the next day and this must be done beforehand. checking that the room is in perfect condition and cleaning may be delayed.

The change of towels and sheets is carried out whenever the client deems it appropriate or at least 3 in 3 days. If you need towels, a change of sheets, replacement of the welcome set or cleaning of the room at a specific time within the cleaning schedule, you must contact reception.

The hostel is not responsible for any type of robbery, theft or loss of objects or sums of money in the establishment.

The hostel will not be responsible in case of armed robbery or other force majeure event.


If your physical abilities are limited or you suffer from contagious illnesses or diseases, please let the reception staff know upon arrival as soon as possible so that the hostel can, in turn, take the appropriate measures if necessary. This establishment has a conveniently equipped fixed first aid kit available to our clients who may need it.

If a guest falls ill, the hostel reception will contact the medical service at the express request of the guest who requires it so that they can be treated or, where appropriate, transferred to the appropriate place, the cost being the responsibility of the guest themselves.

In the event that the client who becomes ill is not capable of acting for himself or there is a person who can act for him, the hostel will take care of the necessary arrangements so that he can receive medical help. The hostel may demand from the client themselves or, failing that, from the family members or the Paying Party, payment of the expenses incurred that the hostel has had to assume.

In the event that the client suffers (or is likely to suffer) from an infectious process or other disease or is in such a condition that it is (or may be) dangerous for people staying in the hostel, the hostel has the right to terminate the contract with immediate effect and force the client to leave the hostel immediately.

The hostel is not responsible for any type of accident and/or event that the guest suffers within the hostel facilities such as falls, blows, animal bites, among others. The expenses caused by this accident or event will be borne by the guest, exempting the hostel from any legal responsibility.

In the event of the death of the client, the hostel may demand from the family members, heirs or the Paying Party, in addition to payment of the invoice for the services pending payment, compensation for the expenses incurred to the hostel due to or related to the death. The expenses that the hostel can claim include cleaning costs, in addition to normal cleaning, incurred by the hostel due to illness, death or any other type of event or occurrence that the guest suffers in the facilities. of the establishment.



This hostel is a “Smoke-Free Space” so smoking is prohibited throughout the establishment, extending the Smoke-Free area to all rooms.

Smoking is only allowed outside the hostel, so please put out your cigarette before entering, using the ashtrays that you will find for this purpose.

Remember that all rooms and common areas are equipped with fire detectors.
In the event that a guest smokes in the room or in any other area of the hostel, they may be
prevented from staying, reported and/or subject to damages.

In any case, a charge of 200 euros per day + VAT or equivalent tax will be charged to your
account, which will be paid at the time of Check-out for cleaning and deodorizing the room or
area in question.

Cleaning and smoke removal fee may be subject to change.


The establishment offers the possibility of breakfast in a nearby cafeteria with which it has contracted the services and the schedules are as follows:

  • Monday to Friday: 7:30-12:30
  • Saturdays and Sundays: 09:00-12:30

Some hours may change depending on the time of year or any other circumstance that makes it necessary.

The contracted pension scheme is personal and non-transferable.


As a general rule of dress, it is established that to transit or move within the hostel facilities, the clothing or clothing will be those established for this purpose and usual in each case. Likewise, dress standards that may be required especially in certain sectors of the hostel, or that require special occasions or events to be held within the hostel facilities, must be respected.

Entry or stay in the hostel wearing clothing or symbols that incite violence, racism and/or xenophobia is not permitted.

Nor is it allowed to transit or visit the hostel facilities without wearing any clothing or with inappropriate attire, such as, but not limited to: going down in a bathrobe or pajamas to the reception, circulating in the hostel with a naked torso.

Access to the common areas is not permitted with bathing or wet clothing or without a shirt or shoes.

Aside from the exceptions listed above, the dress code for our establishment is casual.


The access or stay of people accompanied by pets, domestic animals of any type, birds or any other type of animal is prohibited, with the exception of people accompanied by guide or assistance dogs as established by the sector regulations regarding the use of guide dogs by people with visual impairment, total or partial.

In any case, the person who introduces an animal and/or its owner will be jointly responsible for all deterioration, damage or breakage that the animals cause to the things, goods and/or facilities of the hostel and/or to the guests and/or visitors to it.


It is very important for the hostel to protect all its guests, especially children. For this, it is necessary that those responsible for their care be attentive regarding the areas they attend, the activities they carry out and also their behavior in public areas of the hostel so as not to affect third parties.

Parents and guardians are responsible for the behavior and corresponding supervision of minors within the hostel facilities during their stay, so they must ensure that the facilities are used properly and, above all, respect the common areas:


Any damage caused by minors in the absence of said supervision will be the sole and exclusive responsibility of their parents or legal guardians, leaving the HOSTAL exempt from any liability.

In accordance with current regulations, minors under eighteen years of age who access the establishment may not be sold, served, given away, or allowed to consume alcoholic beverages.

Likewise, the sale of tobacco to them is prohibited.


The objects found in the rooms or other areas of the hostel, once a client’s accommodation period has ended or, where appropriate, suspended, will be removed after an inventory has been carried out, which will be signed by two witnesses.

The objects will be available to the client who has lost and/or abandoned them, and can be picked up at the hostel, from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. In order to ensure that the location of the object is as agile and effective as possible, the client must report all data relating to the description of the object that was lost and other circumstances surrounding its loss or abandonment.

If the client requests that the object be sent to him, he must pay the price of transportation, which will be postage due, and must also pay the expenses that the deposit of the same may generate to the hostel.

Personal identification documents (DNI, Passports, etc.), if not claimed, will be delivered to the police authorities.

Perishable goods, if not claimed, will be destroyed the day after they are found. The rest of the objects found will remain in the hostel offices in storage for a maximum period of 90 (ninety) days. If it is known to whom they may belong, said period will be counted from when this fact has been reliably notified to the address provided by the user of the establishment so that the forgotten object can be returned (return request with your address that will be to be done in writing).

If you do not have an address for the purposes indicated above or it is unknown to whom the object may belong, the period will begin to count from when it was found.

The same procedure will be followed in cases of abandonment of belongings in the event of eviction and/or expulsion from the establishment due to non-payment, non-compliance with the rules contained in this Regulation or any other reason. After this 90-day period, the establishment may freely dispose of unclaimed belongings, as it deems most appropriate.


  • TOWELS: It is prohibited to use towels and other clothing in the room for outside use.
  • WASHING AND DRYING CLOTHES: It is not allowed to wash clothes in the rooms or hang clothes on the windows, on the railings of the terraces or inside them, hanging on ropes or in the hallways.
  • SILENCE: After 10 p.m., it is mandatory to maintain due silence in the hallways and accommodations in order not to disturb the rest of the other clients of the hostel. Moderate the volume of the TV and voice.
  • MOBILE DEVICES: Likewise, it is especially requested that if mobile devices are used in any public area of this hostel, they be done at minimum volume or in silent mode to respect the rest of the guests or visitors.
  • SECURITY DEVICES: In order to guarantee the security, privacy and tranquility of users, this accommodation has technical devices with elements, some of them permanent recording, in corridors and other general or common areas, whose images may be made available of the authorities in legally provided cases.
  • FIRE EXTINGUISHERS: A sufficient number of fire extinguishers and smoke detectors have been installed in the hostel to be used in an eventual incident. In such circumstances, the instructions marked therein must be followed and guests must notify the hostel Reception.
  • ELECTRICAL POWER: The electrical installation in your room is 220 volts.
    • Guests are strictly prohibited from using the electrical current and mechanical equipment installed in their room for purposes other than those for which they are intended.
    • The hostel’s security measures strictly prohibit the use of hair straighteners, curling irons and other electrical, gas or other devices that could cause a fire anywhere in the hostel and in the rooms.
    • To help save energy, you should turn on the air conditioning with the doors and windows closed.
    • It is prohibited to take photographs-videos in which other guests or employees of the hostel appear, much less if minors or other people who have special characteristics appear, such as mobility difficulties, Down syndrome or other characteristics, for example, those that could indicate beliefs.
    • It is prohibited to take photographs-videos of the establishment’s staff in the exercise of their duties, unless the employee himself has given his consent.
    • Photo-videos taken by guests in which other guests or an employee of Patios del Orfebre can be identified, their use would only be permitted inthe family domestic environment, and their publication in any physical medium (documents, articles, etc.) is strictly prohibited. , brochures…), electronic (example: email), Internet (Web, social networks, blog, rating pages of establishments such as Tripadvisor or similar).
    • Any unauthorized use of the image of a guest or an employee can give rise to a Crime against honor, privacy, and one’s own image, with penalties of up to FOUR YEARS, and, in the case of public dissemination, up to FIVE YEARS.



The hostel is for public use and free access, with no restrictions other than those established in current regulations, the rules of this Regulation, and, in any case, the rules of good coexistence and hygiene.

The hostel is not responsible for the behavior of the guests, nor for objects, substances or materials that they may bring into the room, since it is not authorized to check luggage.

The public will not be able to enter or stay in the hostel and its facilities without meeting the requirements to which the Company has conditioned the right of admission.

PEOPLE: Access and stay of people in the hostel will be prevented in the following cases:

  • When the established capacity has been completed with the users who are inside the establishment.
  • When the hostel’s closing time has been exceeded.
  • When the minimum age established to access the premises is not met, according to current regulations.
  • When the person seeking access has not paid for the entrance fee or seat in cases where this is required.
  • When the person displays violent attitudes, especially when they behave aggressively or cause altercations.
  • When the person carries weapons and objects that can be used as such, unless, in accordance with the provisions of the specific applicable regulations at any time, they are members of the Security Forces and Corps or private bodyguards integrated into companies. private, and access the establishment in the exercise of their functions.
  • When wearing clothing or symbols that incite violence, racism or xenophobia in the terms provided for in the legislation on the protection of citizen security and in the Penal Code.
  • When it causes situations of danger or inconvenience to other attendees, or does not meet the conditions of personal hygiene in accordance with the predominant social practices in today’s society and, for this reason, it may cause inconvenience to other people.

In particular, those who are consuming drugs, narcotic or psychotropic substances, or show symptoms of having consumed them, and those who show obvious signs or behavior of being intoxicated will be prevented from accessing or, where appropriate, staying in the establishment.

Likewise, when the person lacks due respect to hostel employees or other clients.

  • When he proceeds to behave immodestly, shout or cause noticeably loud sounds that disturb other guests, disturb the tranquility in the hostel or the normal development of the establishment.
  • When you adopt measures or attitudes against the health and cleanliness of the establishment.
  • When the normal social coexistence of the establishment is attacked or any type of inconvenience to other guests or visitors or third parties is caused, by itself or by people for whom they must respond, or any act is carried out that may affect the tranquility and privacy that the guests hope to find during their stay at the hostel.
  • When you execute, promote or encourage discriminatory acts against other clients, visitors or employees of the hostel, and even your own companions or act in a rude or aggressive manner against any of them.
  • When you do not pay for services or benefits when payment is required.
  • When proceeding to remove objects or property belonging to the hostel from the hostel, whether from the room or other sectors without the express consent of the hostel.
  • When it proceeds to damage or deteriorate, totally or partially, the facilities, accessories, goods, services and supplies of the hostel, or any other recipient of this Regulation.
  • When you proceed to reveal or disseminate confidential data about the hostel that you have obtained on the occasion or as a result of your stay or transit in the accommodation

Likewise, the access and/or permanence of those people who refuse to comply with the legal obligation to complete and sign the Traveler Entry Report forms will be prevented, with all the data required therein (including the type and identification document number), in accordance with the provisions of Organic Law 1/1992, of February 21, on the Protection of Citizen Security, and in Order Int/1922/2003, of July 3, of the Ministry of Interior, on record books and entry parts of travelers in hospitality establishments and other similar establishments.

When the indicated circumstances occur or the persons incur one or more of the restrictions listed above, the personnel responsible for the establishment may require them to leave it, after payment, if applicable, of any outstanding accounts for services. of services and consumption.

It is expressly stated that free access to the facilities, services and accommodation of this accommodation will not be denied or restricted to people who wish to do so, for reasons of sex, disability, with or without a guide dog, religion, opinion or any other personal or social circumstance.

The hostel may seek the assistance of authority agents to evict from its premises users who fail to comply with this regulation, who intend to access or remain there for a purpose other than the normal use of the accommodation service.

ANIMALS: Regarding the admission of animals and conditions of said admission, the provisions of article 16 of this Regulation will apply: The access or stay of people accompanied by pets, domestic animals of any type, birds or any other type of animal is prohibited. animal, with the exception of people accompanied by guide or assistance dogs as established by sector regulations regarding the use of guide dogs by people with total or partial visual impairment.


However, and in the cases described above, the person is obliged to pay the expenses incurred up to the moment of prohibition of access or stay in the hostel.


Movement and stay within the hostel will be in the places reserved for clients, without them being able to access the reserved or private rooms or spaces in any case.

Reserved or restricted areas will be considered those for the exclusive use of the establishment’s staff, access corridors to administration offices, warehouses, warehouses, staff changing rooms and other service premises.


The establishment management recommends:

  • Monitor and control your luggage and personal belongings in public areas, in order to avoid loss and/or possible theft. Do not leave it unattended.
  • Close the door to your room when you leave it and try opening it again to make sure it is properly closed, even if only for a short time.
  • Close your luggage when not in use and place it in your closet. If your luggage has a lock, always use it.
  • Protect the key or, failing this, the card or access system to your room. Don’t just leave your key at the Reception desk. Always return your key, in hand, when you leave the hostel. If you forget or lose your key, only the reception staff is authorized to provide you with a new key to open your room.
  • Immediately notify the Management of any abnormal event that you notice, such as: people acting suspiciously in the hallway, repeated phone calls from people who do not identify themselves, knocks on your room door from people unknown to you, or not finding anyone. on the door when you go to open it.
  • Please do not be upset if Reception or any other department asks you to identify yourself, as this is for your safety.
  • Do not display jewelry, money or valuables in your room.
  • Do not invite strangers to your room, or tell them your room number.
  • Do not allow repair personnel to enter your room without having been requested or authorized by the Hostel Management.
  • Do not allow people to enter your room with deliveries that have not been requested.
  • When socializing with strangers, do not reveal your hostel name or room number.
  • Do not show your room key in public places.
  • If you discover any type of deterioration or anomaly, contact reception.
  • Please respect the areas where the rooms are located during night and nap hours and in general, avoid making unnecessary noise.
  • Please use the facilities appropriately, respecting the furniture and common areas of the hostel.
  • Please respect the schedules of all the hostel facilities.
  • We appreciate your participation in the event that, during your stay at the hostel, any accident or evacuation drill is practiced.


Total or partial failure to comply with any of the rules of this Regulation authorizes the hostel to execute, at its sole discretion, any of the following procedures:

  • Invite the offender to modify his behavior or habit;
  • Require due respect and compliance with the rules of behavior, etiquette and dress;
  • Insist on compliance with the provisions of this Regulation.
  • Apply specific sanctions to the offender, such as a warning, suspension of the use of all or part of the facilities and/or services provided by the hostel or exclusion from accommodation.
  • The hostel reserves the exercise of its right of admission and permanence and in exercising it may prohibit the entry of those people who have previously violated these Regulations and/or those who do not comply with the requirements listed above.
  • Communicate and notify the competent public authorities so that they can carry out the necessary intervention.

The hostel Management will apply the sanctions taking into account the following criteria: the severity and nature of the infraction and the circumstances of the event; the repetition of behaviors of the offending subject; his background; and the application of previous sanctions to the offender.

The hostel reserves the exclusive power to apply or not apply the sanctions provided for in these Regulations. In no case can the failure to apply a sanction to the offender be considered by him or by other clients or visitors as the right not to be sanctioned in the future for similar reasons or for other infractions committed.

In the event that any recipient fails to comply totally or partially with the norms or rules of this Regulation, in addition to being sanctioned, the offender will be obliged to compensate for the damages caused.

In any case, the offender must hold the hostel harmless from any damage for any claim or claim that any third party directs against the accommodation as a result of its failure to comply with the provisions of this Regulation or current legislation.

The rules contained in this Regulation may in no way be interpreted as discrimination against any type of ethnicity, nationality, gender, religion, race, age or political ideology of the recipients, but rather an ideal means of guaranteeing excellence and quality to all clients of hostel services.

In no case may this Regulation be interpreted as limiting or restricting the individual rights of those who voluntarily enter the establishment, aware of its characteristics and that the power that the hostel has to dictate any other norms or rules (that complement, expand , modify or replace the rules established herein, or establish new rules to regulate the use or use of specific sectors of the establishment or the way in which the recipients of this Regulation or other possible recipients must behave, conduct themselves and present themselves in any sector or facility of the establishment. establishment) is its own right of property and/or its responsibility for operation with respect to the rights of its guests or clients. This power is the responsibility of the hostel operating company, which must ensure the proper functioning of the services, with respect for the rights of its guests or clients.

In accordance with all of the above, the owner of the hostel may prevent the client and/or their companions from staying in the establishment, and directly dispose of their room, without the need for any judicial procedure, in the event of:

  • Total or partial non-payment of the invoice (see article 3 of this Regulation).
  • Lack of agreement regarding the extension of the client’s stay.
  • Use by more than one person in the room contracted as a single, by more than two people in a double room or in a suite, or by more than three in a room contracted as triple.
  • Concurrence of any of the causes that prevent access or permanence in the establishment, established by it in the exercise of its right of admission.
  • Refusal of the client or any of his companions to complete and sign the Traveler Entry Report.
  • Non-compliance by the client and/or their companions with any other of the obligations established in this Regulation or in the current regulations that apply.

In such cases, the client and/or their companions will be obliged to leave the room, and the rest of the establishment’s premises, immediately after being required to do so by the Management.

If the client refuses said abandonment, or reacts in such a way that this constitutes a criminal offense, the hostel may request the assistance of the public force and/or the tourist inspection to proceed with said eviction. All this without prejudice to the right of the hostel to claim from the client the amounts that he has left unpaid, as well as the damages that, where appropriate, his behavior has caused.

They will be competent to understand and resolve any controversy or conflict between the recipients of this Regulation and the hostel, the Ordinary Courts of the place where the hostel is located, with jurisdiction in civil matters with waiver of any other jurisdiction and/or jurisdiction that may apply, without prejudice to the intervention of the Criminal Justice when applicable.



The hostel, in order to comply with legal obligations, carry out the provision of the services offered to its clients, make an offer of personalized products and services, improve the commercial relationship and manage the requests made by our clients, will process the personal data of its clients in an automated manner and undertakes to comply with current legislation regarding automated data processing.

The main purpose of the treatment is the management of the stay and the requested services. The legitimacy of the treatment is established by the execution of the accommodation and services contract, and where appropriate by the express consent granted. By phone +34 957 39 29 or by email:



For any type of doubts or questions related to the operation of the hostel, you can contact our reception staff, who will assist you and, where appropriate, will contact you with the person authorized to resolve your doubt or question.



You can find information at reception about excursions, services and experiences provided by companies other than the hostel operator. This establishment is not responsible for services provided by companies other than the hostel operator.



All the facilities or services of our hostel are equipped with measures that favor or guarantee your safety at all times.

However, if you consider that the use of any facility or service may pose any risk to your health or physical integrity, we strongly request that you contact us so that we can inform you and dispel any questions that may have arisen in this regard.

In any case, if you have doubts that the use of any facility or service may pose risks to your health or physical integrity, opt for another service or facility.


Self-protection plan. The client has at their disposal instructions for action in case of emergency, as well as signage of evacuation routes and firefighting means. In case of an emergency, you must follow the additional instructions given by thehostel staff. Obstruction of emergency exits and fire fighting means (fire extinguishers, fire hydrants, push buttons…) as well as their improper use may lead to expulsion from the hostel.

Collaboration. If the client considers that the use of any facility or service may pose any risk to their health or physical integrity, we strongly request that they contact reception so that they can inform them and dispel any question that may have arisen in this regard.


27.1.- In the event that the Authorities declare an emergency situation or health crisis that affects the normal development of our hostel, it will be announced on our website so that, as a Client, you know the measures that are adopted and comply with them.

27.2.- The Client who, in an emergency or health crisis situation declared by the Authorities, fails to comply with the mandatory or recommended measures that have been adopted in this Establishment may cause the immediate termination of their accommodation contract; His stay was canceled without the right to any refund, and with notice to the competent Authority.

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